Advertising & Sales Video Production Company

web developer

The average time spent by Indians watching videos online has grown to 52 minutes per day in 2019 from a mere two minutes per day in 2012. So videos create an impact on one’s life.
Video Production is the process of creating a video film. It includes capturing moving images (videography) and using various video editing techniques to make a useful video.


Where Can Video Production Be Used?

  • Television programs
  • TV commercial Ad’s
  • Corporate events
  • Event videos
  • Wedding events
  • Business branding videos
  • Product marketing videos.
Social media

How Do You Get A Good Video?

There are three basic steps to get complete processed videos.

1. Pre Production

This is the planning stage where the idea for the video is formed and the recording process is organized. The Script, cast, location, crew members are selected. Everything to be used during the filming of the video is chosen carefully.

2. Production

Once the Pre-Production process in Completed, the cast will perform as per the defined script and each scene is shot until it comes to perfection.

3. Post Production

Post-production is the final stage which gives the video a final look. All the different shots and actions are merged and required editing features like sound syncing, special effects, editing audio, and video are applied and to get a final video.

How Fouses Helps You?

Fouses provides affordable video production services and because of this, you can put video production as your marketing strategy. Our video
production department has the equipment and expertise necessary to script, shoot, edit, produce, and distribute your video effectively. And which supports your marketing goals.

The video production services we provide include Video marketing strategy, Scriptwriting, and editing, Storyboarding, Video editing,3D and 2D graphics, Motion graphics, Custom designed graphics and illustrations, etc. Our experienced team can help you and your company have a bigger impact on the video.


Ouality Video Production
Uniqueness in Video P
Web Designing Image
Affordable Video Production
story telling

Advertising & Sales Video Production Company

The average time spent by Indians watching videos online has grown to 52 minutes per day in 2019 from a mere two minutes per day in 2012. So videos create an impact on one’s life.
Video Production is the process of creating a video film. It includes capturing moving images (videography) and it includes using various video editing techniques to make a useful video.

web developer

Where Can Video Production Be Used?

  • Television programs
  • TV commercial Ad’s
  • Corporate events
  • Event videos
  • Wedding events
  • Business branding videos
  • Product marketing videos.



Quality & Expertise







story telling

Story Telling


And More...

How Do You Get A Good Video?

There are three basic steps to get complete processed videos.

1. Pre Production

This is the planning stage where the idea for the video is formed and the recording process is organized. The Script, cast, location, crew members are selected. Everything to be used during the filming of the video is chosen carefully.

2. Production

Once the Pre-Production process in Completed, the cast will perform as per the defined script and each scene is shot until it comes to perfection.​

3. Post-production

Post-production is the final stage which gives the video a final look. All the different shots and actions are merged and required editing features like sound syncing, special effects, editing audio, and video are applied and to get a final video.

How Fouses Helps You?

Fouses is a place which provides affordable video production services and because of this, you can put video production as your marketing strategy. Our video production services department has the equipment and expertise necessary to script, shoot, edit, produce, and distribute your video effectively, and which supports your marketing goals.

The video production services we provide include Video marketing strategy, Scriptwriting, and editing, Storyboarding, Video editing,3D and 2D graphics, Motion graphics, Custom designed graphics and illustrations, etc. Our experienced team can help you and your company have a bigger impact on the video.

And Much More...

Let's Discuss Your Project