Tax Returns Filing Service in India

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Tax returns are considered as the cost of living. Taxes are levied by the governments to meet the common welfare expenditure. In India the Income Tax Act, 1961 and The Income Tax Rules, 1962 obligates citizens to file returns to the income tax department at the end of every financial year. These returns should be filled before the specific due date. Every income tax form is applicable to certain section of assets. The taxes varies based upon the income and type of assets falling under specified sections of the Income Tax Act.

Criteria of Tax Returns Filing

GST returns: It stands for Goods and service tax.Government collects this tax from the Businesses for  commercial services they are providing in the form of manufacturing /services. Every business entity falls under different tax slabs from 5% to 28 % and they have to pay accordingly. The GST filling provides two options to file return. If the Business turnover is less than 5 crores, they can opt for quarterly filling (in 3 quarters). While if a business has turnover more than 5 crores then they have to file the GST monthly.

IT Return: The IT return is the Income tax which is collected by the government against income earned by an individual. Any person who is self-employed or salaried have to pay income tax. The PAN card is necessary to pay the Income Tax. There are various types of Tax percentage slabs defined by the Government.People have to pay according to the slab they are assigned. Govt. reviews and notifies the public about relaxations and the Tax slab percentage before the starting of the financial year.

Auditing: Auditing can be defined as inspection or examination of the business accounts. The purpose of the auditing is to check the authenticity of the account books. Whether they are done in a fair manner and also if there is any fraud input. All the Firms falls in the legal structure. They have to get their accounts audited by an independent auditor before declaring their financial statement for any quarter. The chartered accountant from ICAI can do independent auditing of any business in India.

How Fouses can help you ?

Tax being a complex part of business, Fouses is here to help you with the best filing process. Look nowhere else when you are struggling with tax returns filing. Our expert team in India, will help you with proper maintenance of filing process and solve all your issues. We cover all the business types from multiple house properties to foreign income.We manage everything for you and provide better results.

Tax Return Filing Company in India

Taxes are considered as the cost of living of the society. Taxes are levied by the governments to meet the common welfare expenditure of the society. In India the Income Tax Act, 1961 and The Income Tax Rules, 1962 obligates citizens to file returns to the income tax department at the end of every financial year. These returns should be filled before the specific due date. Every income tax form is applicable to certain section of assessees and the taxes varies based upon the income, criteria and the type of assets falling under the specified sections of the Income Tax Act.

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Criteria of Tax Return Filing

GST returns : It stands for Goods and service tax. The tax which is collected by the government from the Business for their commercial services they are providing in the form of manufacturing /services. Every business entity falls under different tax slabs from 5% to 28 % and they have to pay accordingly. The GST filling provides two option to file their return. If the Business turnover is less than 5 crores for the last financial year, he can opt for quarterly filling (in 3 quarters), If a business has turnover more than 5 crores than he has to file the GST monthly.

IT Return : The IT return is the Income tax which is collected by the government against the income earned by the individual. Any person who is self-employed or salaried have to pay income tax to the government. The PAN card is must to pay the Income Tax. There are various types of Tax percentage slabs defined by the Government and the person has to pay according to the slab they are falling. Govt. reviews and notify the public about the relaxations and the Tax slab percentage before the starting of the financial year.

Auditing : Auditing can be defined as inspection or examination of the business accounts. The purpose of the auditing is to check the authenticity of the account books, are they done in fair manner and there is no fraud is done. All the Firms falls in the legal structure have to get their accounts audited by an independent auditor before they declare their financial statement for any quarter. The chartered accountant from ICAI can do independent auditing of any business in INDIA.

How Fouses can help you ?

Tax being a complex part of business for the most, Fouses is here to help you with the filing process. Look nowhere else when you are struggling with tax return filing. Our expert team in India, will help you with proper maintaining of filing process and solve all your issues with ease. We cover all the business types from multiple house properties to foreign income we manage everything for you and
provide better results.


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